The no more 9 to 5 club was founded by a team of combat veterans, CEO’s, millionaires and other top-level professionals to bring you a fun way to learn about opportunities to save, grow and invest in yourself and your finances while finding camaraderie from a community built to help you succeed. We wanted to take the best of the best that we and everybody else had to offer and give it away, for free, because that’s what we know people needed.
We welcome all people who fit into our psychographics of looking for a hand up and then being able to be a good person and give other people the helping hands up after they have learned about how the no more 9 to 5 club can benefit them. Whether someone just wants to use one of the tools in our free toolbox to help them succeed or they utilize all of them and help others take back their time, the choice is theirs. We provide everything for free so no one has to feel pressured, and they can take the value they need at the time and come back when they are ready to add more value to their life through our various training offerings, all free.
The journey starts off with mindset training. Mindset is important for a variety of reasons. If you give someone with the wrong mindset millions of dollars, chances are nothing good will come of it. However, if someone has the right mindset, not only can they take that money and start making more money, but they can also do it in a way that adds value to the world and not just their pocketbooks. Education is key in developing a good mindset. Many people suffer from a lack of ability to learn. For whatever reason, whether it is because they are too distracted, they think they know everything or they actively choose to be lazy, this affects all of us at some point in our life.
Making a choice to devote time and energy into achieving your goals is essential to your life. There needs to be balance with everything we do in life and taking care of ones physical and mental health are crucial to succeeding in your entrepreneurial journey. We believe that in order to truly get to the point where we can look out for others, we must first be confident in our ability to take care of ourselves. The start of this journey aims to teach you how you can become more independent for yourself and trust your own expertise and be less reliant on traditional income streams that provide no passive income opportunities and is basically a one-time trade of time for money.
The key to building a passive income stream is knowledge. Truth is there a variety of ways to do it and the no more 9 to 5 club likes to find the best ways to keep us all diversified and happy! We spend years in school learning how to be good employees, good followers, good citizens, but truth be told school doesn’t teach us all how to be good leaders and they definitely don’t teach people how to break free from the rat race (unless you paid for private school). Point is we want you to consider how much time you spent learning on how to be an employee and devote a small fraction of that time to learn how to become your own boss. The results will amaze you.
After we educate you about mindset we are going to take you on an entrepreneurial pathway meant to teach you how to save money, earn money, and then properly invest and compound your money all while being supported by a community that wants to see you succeed your way! We focus on health and happiness without pressure.
The no more 9 to 5 club is not a job. It’s a toolbox and the more you use the tools the better the results will be. The choice is yours to engage with us daily, weekly, or ever. Going back to the mindset about being able to make more money with your money while you sleep and travel, usually this one goal makes it easier for us to achieve our other goals. Whether that is to travel the world, change the world, or spend more time with the family, being able to reclaim your time and own every minute of your day is truly a game changer. It is doable.
We built a team of experts and trusted advisors in the hopes that if we lead you right, you will do the same for others one day! Mindset is us knowing, even though between us all we know a lot (and have made millions of dollars), we still don’t know everything and that even we still learn by googling or asking other experts, and that’s ok. The first step to mindset is being able to admit that you don’t know everything and seek out the knowledge of what you know you don’t know. The next question is what is it that you don’t know you don’t know. That’s what we intend to educate you on. We will have useful information on things that you will want to know about but it’s the information that will surprise you that is usually most valuable. Come into the club, ask questions, watch the videos, try our free courses and make friends.